
Monday, September 16, 2013

Do You Believe That Stereotyping Is Inevitable?

Week 4 DQ 1 Do you believe that stereotyping is required? apologize your answer. Fiske, (2010) report that kinsperson-based responses or reactions include stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. All types of diverge pick out some form of category-based responses, which are the delegacy matchless reacts to a nonher(prenominal) person as an interchangeable member of a societal convocation. Individuals have the most negative category-based responses to the themes that they do not person solelyy be pine (out gatherings) and usually have to a greater extent positive views on ones own group (ingroup). Stereotyping involves attaching to a person, ones cognitive expectancies and associations regarding the group. They are essentially beliefs about the characteristics of group members and theories about why those qualities go to upriseher. They are set ideas that go together with a category, acting to justify our affective and behavioral reactions to the cat egory. The reason Im discussing category-based responses, beliefs regarding characteristics of group members, and set ideas is because they all act upon our tendency to stereotype. According to Lepore & chocolate-brown (1997) it generally fictional that stereotypes are automatically activated with erudition of a category member. Often stereotypes are viewed as networks of affiliated attributes variously conceptualized.
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It has been long assumed that stereotyping and prejudice is an automatic and fatal consequence of categorization, which in turn, has been viewed as an adaptive and functional process. curiously in dividual memberships in basic categories suc! h as age, race, and sexual urge seem to be attended to automatically. The associated stereotypes become activated with the experience of the category and influence judgments and behaviors. Negative group stereotypes are position of as the cognitive component of prejudice. Therefore, prejudice springs from normal cognitive processes and appear to be inevitable. This view has been summarized by the statement heap will...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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