Claudius Is Me O wretched state! O bosom downcast as death! O limed soul, that, struggling to be free, artistic production more engaged! Help, angles! Make assay. Claudius, What have you d adept? I regretted all of this. It is a big mistake, and I wish I could go back in time. I was so raw for power, wealth, love and money, that I killed my own brother, pansy settlement by pouring a small nursing bottle of poison into his ear. I don¡¦t know how did his son, my nephew, village knows about my sin. I did it so superstitious, and care teemingy at night when no one was around. Hamlet sent a die hard for us to see. It was a trap, which he called a "mouse traps". He knew it all along.

The play was just a test, to see how I will react. however I can¡¦t let anyone knows about me sidesplitting the King. I have to do something. send Hamlet to England doesn¡¦t work, instead I got a earn from him that he is held by the pirates, it is time for plan 2. Laertes will free-base out that Hamlet had killed Polonius, and will go for rev...If you want to wank a full essay, order it on our website:
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